20 Week CSA Subscription


The price of the 20 week CSA subscription is $400 ($20 per week).  The online full payment price includes a $15 membership fee. This saves $5 by paying in full.  Subscribers receive a bag each week of seasonal produce that is hand harvested and fresh. The bag will typically contain 6 – 8 different items of a variety of vegetables, herbs, and sometimes small fruit, or value added items.

Produce bags are delivered to the location of your choice for 5 months beginning the week of May 14, 2025. Your first week’s drop off will include an insulated reusable tote bag and either our CSA Cookbook or Pendleton’s Country Market ball cap.  Please indicate which item you want from the drop menu below.

IF YOU WANT TO SET UP A RECURRING MONTHLY PAYMENT, fill out a printable CSA Application form and either drop it off at Pendleton’s Country Market or mail it in. The membership fee for those paying monthly is $20.

You will also receive a 10% discount on all plant purchases at the farm during May and June.

Pickup locations marked with an * are for employees of that location only.

SKU: N/A Category:


The price of the 20 week CSA subscription is $400 ($20 per week).  The online full payment price includes a $15 membership fee. This saves $5 by paying in full.

IF YOU WANT TO SET UP A RECURRING MONTHLY PAYMENT, fill out a printable CSA Application form and either drop it off at Pendleton’s Country Market or mail it in. The membership fee for those paying monthly is $20.

Produce bags delivered to the location of your choice for 5 months beginning the week of May 14,2024.  Your first week’s drop off will include an insulated reusable tote bag and either our CSA Cookbook or Pendleton’s Country Market ball cap.  Please indicate which item you want in the order notes.

You will also receive a 10% discount on all plant purchases at the farm during May and June.

As a member of the CSA, you will receive (1.) a weekly share of produce for 20 weeks, beginning the
week of May 14, 2025, or (2.) a punch card worth $60, that can be used at the Pendleton farm, the Saturday
Lawrence Farmers Market, or the Wednesday Farmers Market at Clinton Parkway Nursery. Each month’s
card is good for that month, and may be purchased for as many months (May – November) as wanted.
An insulated reusable tote bag will be given to each CSA member, and each member will receive a 10%
discount on bedding plants from Pendleton’s Country Market during May and June. Each member will also
receive their choice of a copy of our CSA Cookbook or Pendleton’s Country Market Ball Cap.
Option 1. members will receive vegetables, with occasional small fruits, honey or other value added food
items. Option 2. members may use their punch card on any product that Pendleton’s Country Market offers.
This could be produce, fresh cut flowers, bedding plants, pottery, garden decorations, or value added food

One aspect of CSAs is that members support their farmer by sharing in the inherent risks of agriculture (poor
weather, drought, disease, early frost, crop failure and so on) and rewards (the bounty from a good season.)
CSA farmers purposely plan for such contingencies, and use growing techniques that protect the harvest, to
minimize risk to members and optimize the rewards. We grow a wide variety of crops that thrive in different
types of conditions, we utilize cover cropping, crop rotation, irrigation, and high tunnel production practices.
Moreover, the CSA builds relationships of trust between the farmer and community group. On the whole,
members will get a wide variety of vegetables in plentiful amounts. Pendleton’s Country Market will act in
good faith to provide fresh produce for the duration of the season, however, there is no guarantee of quantities
or contents of weekly shares. Members are welcome to split a share with someone. However, share, splitting is the responsibility of the member. Pendleton’s Country Market does not manage the splitting of shares. Many members work out arrangements to share with their friends and neighbors, when they
have to leave town during the growing season.

Member Responsibilities
As a CSA member, you agree to pick up my share at your chosen pick-up site during the set time period. If you will
be away or otherwise unable to pick up your share, you will make arrangements for someone else to pick it up for
you. Any shares not claimed on the day of delivery will be donated to Just Foods.
It is important to read the CSA Newsletter every week, AND understand important news and
information about your weekly CSA is shared through the online newsletter. We ask that you would be an active
participant in the CSA program, and will contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Additional information

Pickup Location

Pendleton's Country Market, Douglas County K-State Research and Extension, Douglas County Courthouse, Clinton Parkway Nursery, LMH Health, Princeton Child Care Center, *Douglas County Jail, *Douglas County Public Works/Zoning Codes Department, Lawrence Library, *Freestate Dental Office, *Cottonwood, Inc.


Pendleton's Ballcap, CSA Cookbook, Neither